## EC Suite v10 [Magnesium Windows] - 2025-January-27th New Features/Changes: - OpenFileSecure (seL4): added support for compressed files: ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, RPM, ISO, BZ2, GZ, XZ, AR, VMDK, VHDX, VHD, ARJ, CPIO, CRAMFS, EXT, FAT, GPT, QCOW2, SQUASHFS, WIM, XAR, and HFS. Now compressed files can be handled too by ExploitChance transparently inmunizing from 0days in Windows Explorer, Winzip, Winrar, 7z and any software used to decompress files. - Aesthetic fixes in PDF safe opening procedure (full screen and automatic resizing) - Improved user bahavior AI module (dysncoring_ia.exe) to not consume more than 5-7% of total CPU - Improved OpenFileSecure sandbox to consume less than 1% of total CPU - Added tray icon to check when sandbox is ready - Added tray icon to check when OpenFileSecure file handler is ready ## EC Suite v9 [Beryllium Windows] - 2024-October-21th New Features/Changes: - Windows Kernel Drivers Monitoring (from a kernel driver) - GMail Email links interception and safe opening in a kernel sandboxed browser - Any browser PDF interception and safe opening in seL4 PDF Sandbox - AI Code Refactoring for improved user experience - Functional Bug Fixes ## EC Suite v8 [Francium Windows] - 2024-June-13th New Features/Changes: - Browser Kernel Level Sandbox (Process Execution Lock Down) - Pentesting Licensing Mode (Features and Time Limited) - Secure/Strict SSL Mode Browsers Protection ## EC Suite v7 [Cesium Windows] - 2024-04-02 New Features/Changes: - Fully Featured Web Management Console (Stats, Alerts, Zero Trust Rules, Devices, Users,...) - Added RealTime EndPoint SSL Inspection - Added RealTime Browsing ZeroTrust (STOP dangerous content before it reaches ANY Browser or app using HTTPS) ## EC Suite v6 [Rubidium Windows] - 2024-02-20 New Features/Changes: - Added Silent (no reboot required) Massive Auto-Enroll Deployment capability - Stabilized many features (minor functional bug fixes) - Added Auto Update Service with multi-layer integrity checks on top of digital signatures - Improved MFA service ## OEM Integrators [RC1 Windows] - 2023-09-21 New Features/Changes: - First OEM package distribution (.zip file) - Monitoring of 240 New checks (CIS Benchmarks) - Multiuser scoring (support for multiple users login in the same device) - Monitoring if other Antivirus are installed - Code cleaning and performance tweaks ## EC Suite [Beta Potassium Windows] - 2023-09-21 New Features/Changes: - Monitoring of 240 New checks (CIS Benchmarks) - Multiuser scoring (support for multiple users login in the same device) - Monitoring if other Antivirus are installed - Code cleaning and performance tweaks ## [Beta Sodium Windows] - 2023-09-21 New Features/Changes: - Artificial Intelligence applied orthogonally to improve our capabilities - Monitoring of site reputation/sentiment for: virus, spyware, malware, ransomware, hacking, cracking... - Monitoring of SaaS services - Monitoring of Phishing sites - Monitoring of Malware sites - Monitoring of Job Search sites - Monitoring of sites with inappropriate (office) content (porn, etc) ## [Beta Lithium Windows] - 2023-07-29 New Features/Changes: - Real Time Monitor (Defender on/off) - Monitoring of visited URLs - Monitoring of System Accounts - Monitoring of Administrators' groups - Monitoring of Uptime - Monitoring of Privileges of logged on user - Monitoring of Processes - Monitoring of Shared Resources - Monitoring of Startup Commands - Monitoring of Services ## [Beta Hidrogen Windows] - 2023-03-05 New Features/Changes: - Backend Monitoring Console for SoC operators an third party integrators - Scoring data format compatible with most third party SaaS monitoring services - Monitoring of most relevant Chrome and Firefox based browsers (including Beta and Canary versions of Chrome) - Monitoring and categorization of all Browser downloads (dozens of Executables, Compressed, Office files, etc) - Monitoring of abandoned device with unlocked screen - Monitoring of DEFENDER, APPLICATION GUARD, EXPLOIT GUARD and DEVICE GUARD (dozens of configuration options). - Monitoring of HELLO, SECURE BOOT and other basic security stuff. - New capabilities for admin mobile app: list agents, get messages from them, make config changes to agents, lock down a device ## [Alpha Lithium Windows] - 2023-31-01 New Features/Changes: - Ported all C++ so 100% of agent code is Rust - Graphical installer - OS browser interception - Web Browser Virtualization (Gandalf) with client certificates - Zero Trust with basic URL policies for virtualized web browser - Agent enrollment via QR code and Android app ## [Alpha Hidrogen Windows] - 2022-22-11 New Features/Changes: - Supported OS now is only Windows - Windows Service in C++ - Dynamic and Static scoring in Rust - Zero Trust Backend platform ## [Alpha Linux] - 2022-18-01 New Features/Changes: - Ported to Rust - Scoring on Android app - seL4 2FA/MFA backend support prototype - Hardened features via kernel seccomp policies ## [Prototype Linux] - 2021-23-11 Initial Prototype - Bash script - Remote control (lock/unlock screen) - Remote control (OS update) - Remote control EC scoring - Interactive Chat-IRC-Like communication channel with agent